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Raindrops on Leaves - Panasonic Lumix FZ28
Not everyone around here loves the rain. When it’s gloriously blue and vivid, I encounter the happiest people in the Bay Area. I, on the other hand, thrive when the storm clouds creep, the fog jets under the Golden Gate Bridge — when I capture a few raindrops on film between showers and life in the Bay Area seems worlds apart from those years I spent blistered in the suns of Southern California.

City Rain - Panasonic Lumix FX500
There’s obvious concern over what we’ll do come summer, when showers and flushing and “normal” water usage threaten our remaining drops of potable H20. For that reason, I pray for rain. I’d dance for rain if I had the steps. At the very least, I thank the rain — in the process, soaking up its imagery as the showers soak the soil and quench California’s thirst.

Geese Sipping From a Puddle - Olympus E520 w/Zuiko 70-300mm

Stormy Table - Panasonic Lumix FX500
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