The Art of Gull Feet ingrid2010-10-08T22:23:55+00:00October 8th, 2010|2 Comments Webbed - ©ingridtaylar Feet - ©ingridtaylar Share This Content FacebookXEmail 2 Comments Dan Kent October 9, 2010 at 7:58 pm - Reply Surprising, powerful and creative! ingrid October 10, 2010 at 12:17 pm - Reply Thanks, Dan. I’ve actually been cataloging bird feet for a while, because they’re so varied, textured, nuanced. But in the process of my move to the Northwest, I [temporarily] misplaced my repository. So, for now, just the gulls. Leave A Comment Cancel replyComment Δ
Surprising, powerful and creative!
Thanks, Dan. I’ve actually been cataloging bird feet for a while, because they’re so varied, textured, nuanced. But in the process of my move to the Northwest, I [temporarily] misplaced my repository. So, for now, just the gulls.